
photo of pastor

Welcome to Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church!

Here at Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church, we are seeking to build a community of people being impacted by the Love of God revealed in Jesus, raising up others who also follow that Love in His Spirit for the sake of our neighbors and world.  All are welcome, and we would love to have you join us sometime!  

Anytime we gather, we have a wide variety of friends in attendance.  You’ll find people from all over the US and world who have been following Jesus for many years, and some who are just beginning to understand what that means.  We believe it can be healing to know and be known by one another in the Love found as we draw near to Jesus.  In a world of disconnection and sources of anxiety - we believe He can be a powerful source of relationship and peace.

We hope this site will be a helpful resource to you, and you’ll connect with us in person if you haven’t already.


Pastor Chadwick (Wick) Anderson 



OUR SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE is at 10:30. Our worship service is also POSTED ONLINE EACH SUNDAY (around 1:00 PM). We invite you to join us in person, or online at church.mattisave.org

Upcoming Events

Sunday School for All Ages

Sunday, 2/9 @9:30am


Sunday, 2/9 @10:30am

Staffed Nursery for 0-2 years of age. (Provided also during our Sunday School - 9:30-10:15 AM)

Children's Church

Sunday, 2/9 @10:30am

For the first part of the service, kindergarteners through 3rd grade join the adults in the sanctuary.  They are dismissed for Children's Church before the sermon.

General Info


OUR SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE is at 10:30. Our worship service is also POSTED ONLINE EACH SUNDAY (around 1:00 PM); please join us at church.mattisave.org!

Also join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:45pm as we have activities for all ages from nursery to 100+!

English Conversation Classes

English Conversation classes are held on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15am in Rooms 1,2 and 4, from January 12 through May 11.

For more information, please contact the church at mafmcmail@mattisave.org or phone the church office at 217-355-5947.

Recent Messages

Our Citizenship

By Pastor Chadwick Anderson on Oct 20, 2024

Telling Our Stories

By Pastor Chadwick Anderson on Oct 13, 2024

In Stirring Times

By Pastor Chadwick Anderson on Oct 6, 2024